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Dollard Fine Arts Day Camp : 7 Reasons Why it is a Fine Choice Indeed :)

If you’re a West Island Mom, you have likely already heard about the Dollard Fine Arts Day Camp ( also
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Remember Jonah and his 1 Million Tabs? He Did It…and Then Some ;)

Many of you may remember my interview with (then) 12-year-old Jonah Hoppenheim who shared with me his desire to begin
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Incredible Community Energy at McDonald’s Boisbriand for #McHappyDay

When I was invited to volunteer an hour of my time at a McDonald’s location for #McHappyDay, I couldn’t say no.
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Kumon: What is it, Really?

I was invited by Kumon to try out their program with my 9-year-old daughter to see what I thought about
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Tangled & Taken with Royal Shimmer Rapunzel ;)

My youngest daughter is 9 years old and she still plays with dolls often enough…which I happen to love. I
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Sophie Grégoire Trudeau & the FitSpirit Foundation – Bringing Fitness and Spirit Into the Lives of Teen Girls

“Physical activity not only becomes a way to move your body and get in shape, but it’s also a way
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How to Recognize a Fraudulent Chip Card Reader and Other Fraud Prevention Tips #FPM2016

March is Fraud Prevention Month (#FPM2016) and once again, this year I was invited to learn more about fraud prevention from the fabulous
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Today’s Segment on Breakfast Television: Do You Post Pics of Your Kids on Social Media?

I had the pleasure of chatting with BT Montreal’s Derick Fage in studio this morning about my thoughts on posting kids’
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Welcome to the ALL-NEW!!!

So I’ve been quiet for a while.  I haven’t blogged much over the last 2 weeks, and those of you
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When Tech Empowers…#My24Hrs

Many of you who read regularly know that I believe in the value of unplugging. That said, you also know
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