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Where Dolphins Meet Kids with Special Needs

I was recently invited to a kick-off event for Dolphin Aid Canada. I have to confess, my first impression was
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An Excuse to Celebrate

I pride myself on my practicality.  My hubby and I decided many years ago to skip the Valentine’s celebration.  The
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Romance on a Budget

With Valentine’s Day coming up, many are wondering how to celebrate without breaking the bank. Some of us are happy
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Two Years Old Today!

Two years ago today was the day I launched  I had launched through Facebook and I still remember the
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Suited for Success:The Empower Suit

      Have you ever had to prepare for an interview?  Did you choose a special outfit?   Have you
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Fun with Sue Smith & the Gang at CBC Homerun

As some of you may already know, I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Sue Smith of CBC
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A Million Tabs to a Wheelchair-An Interview with Jonah

We teach our kids about recycling.  We teach our kids about giving back to the community.  This initiative is one
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Sustainable Gifts and Oh-Yeah, a CRAZY-EASY Fundraiser For Your School…

There are certain times of year we are in super-drive for various reasons : Holidays, Back-To-School, prepping for camp. Now
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Thankful Thursday-To the Best. Community. Ever.

It’s been a week since the Circle of Moms Top 25 Canadian Mom Blogs voting closed and ever since then
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Worth-It Wednesday

I often take the “wordless” route on Wednesday, but this week I had a different thought. There’s an issue with
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