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March 2020

Feed a Frontliner – Something We Can All Do to Combat COVID-19

Ever wish you could do SOMETHING to support a frontline healthcare worker? Buy them lunch? Pay for an extra mask?
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Guide to Online Grocery Shopping Where You Pick Up But NEVER LEAVE YOUR CAR.

While many of you are already experienced with this, it has come to my attention that many people have never ordered groceries
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The Boy in the Basement – by Nathalie Kaspy-Shtern

This seems familiar. Maybe not to you, but to me. 17 years ago in March 2003. My son Jake, only
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15 Reasons I Love ‘Click & Go’ with Provigo

Just over 2 years ago, I was invited to try out Provigo’s new grocery pickup service – known in Quebec
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Walmart’s Grocery Pickup Service-Never Leave Your Car!

I wrote this post over two years ago, when I was invited to try out Walmart’s grocery pickup service. I wrote a post
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PSA: Don’t Throw Out That Roast Chicken Carcass! Use it to Make Soup!

How many times have you ordered or brought home a BBQ chicken (or chickens) for dinner?
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Bread Machine Challah Dough

This morning I decided to prepare Challah dough on FB live.  I shared the recipe I use for making challah
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Are We Living Through A Modern-Day Version of the Ten Plagues?

Two weeks ago wine flowed through faucets in lieu of water in Italy…as they were getting hit with the Coronavirus.
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COVID-19 is a Message: Slow the #$@! Down.

I am going to cut to the chase on this post because while I have much to say about what
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Believe in Magic. Believe in Yourself. Move ONWARD.

I had the opportunity to see Disney-Pixar’s Onward this week and I have to say that I enjoyed it (
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