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THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, I am pleased to announce that finished in 1ST PLACE in the Circle of
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Working Wednesday- Homework Tips

Last week I shared a post called “Whose Homework is it Anyway” in which I promised to share, in a
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Whose Homework is it Anyway?

As a mom of four, with the youngest in Kindergarten, homework is a very definite part of our family’s life.
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Dear Generous Gifter:

In light of the upcoming holidays, I have created this letter for you to use, adjust and share with friends
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Cutting through the Clutter

Our family recently took some time to focus on cutting through the clutter in our basement, which serves in part
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Fab Family Fun to support the Montreal Children’s Hospital

You may have heard about Sarah Cook. At the age of 8, while battling cancer, she decided that she wanted
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Demystifying the Doula with Megan Howarth

So what is it exactly that doulas do???? So many people ask the same question, including myself.  I was tempted
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Mega Bloks Sukkah

This weekend the children in my West Island community will build, for the second year in a row, a full-size
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Every Butt Counts

At Shoreline Cleanup, it really does.  Every cigarette butt collected is logged & accounted for and every human butt that
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With Gratitude to My Family

Today I write to you from my hotel room in San Diego.  I have been away from home for five
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