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Health & Safety

Kids Get Arthritis Too

March is Childhood Arthritis Awareness Month which makes it the perfect time to talk about Juvenile Arthritis. When I was
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Taking Care of Me: I joined Weight Watchers

I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while now, so I’m just sitting down & writing it. 🙂
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What Do You Do to Protect Your Vacation Bliss?

As spring break approaches, many families are planning beach vacations down south, which is why it’s a great time to remind everyone
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Adjusting my Routine and How That’s Going…

Now that we’re in February, it’s no longer the time to be speaking about New Year’s Resolutions per-se, but I
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Realistic Resolution # 1: Drink Better. Live Better.

Some people have completely given up on the whole idea of resolutions.  I have not. I do, however, believe in
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6 Recurring Issues with Kids’ Smartphone Use and How To Deal With Them

Now that the kids are really back in school, the routines are starting to settle in. For those of us who
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Diabetes Management Using Your SmartPhone #ConnectedHealth

There are few people that I know (if any), who do not have someone in their lives who has been
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Kids, Smartphones & Social Media…14 Things You Need To Know.

Graduation Season is upon us and many parents take the opportunity to gift smartphones to their children for graduation so that
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Thoughts after my Sparkling 7-Day Challenge to #RethinkYourDrink

I have spent the last 7 days taking the Sparkling 7-Day Challenge. For 7 days, I attempted to take small,
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No Annual Check-Ups for Healthy Quebecers Age 5& Up: A Sickening Decision. Literally.

As reported by the Montreal Gazette & CBC News, healthy Quebecers ages 5 and over will no longer be able to get an
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