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Being Mom

Toys & Entertainment for Baby

It’s hard to know what ‘equipment’ for entertainment & child development purposes is worthwhile investing in…Here are a few oldies
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Health & Hygiene: What to Buy for Baby

I am often asked…here’s a suggested list 🙂 Baby nail scissors or clippers: 1 pair Rectal thermometer Alcohol ( I
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What Clothing Do I Buy for My Baby?

Sleepers, sleepers & sleepers!!!!! The books will tell you that 6 sleepers is enough. It is- IF you are continuously doing
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Maternity Clothing & Accessories

Going shopping for Maternity clothing can be a lot of fun, but can also be a bit overwhelming Below is
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Expecting Twins (or More!)

Expecting twins can be overwhelming, to say the least. I know first-hand 🙂 Always remember this, and I believe it
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Safety & Recalls

It’s never too early to start thinking about safety. If you are planning/pregnant, you are probably already wondering about what
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Planning for Childcare

Childcare can come in many forms, ranging from a volunteer family member , hired help at home to daycare. Even
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Labour & Delivery

Attending a prenatal class will be very useful in helping you to understand what to expect during labour & delivery.
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Prenatal Health & Hygiene 

While your Doctor is the best resource for information about prenatal health, here are some general tips and guidelines to
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Planning a Baby Shower

While in all likelihood you will not be planning your own shower, you may be planning one for a friend,
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