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More than a Culinary Icon and an Inspiration: Norene Gilletz was a Mensch.

The beginning of my ‘Norene story’ of is not all that different from most of those who grew up with Norene’s
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Back-To-School Self Care Tips for Moms {Breakfast Television}

For my segment this morning on Breakfast Television, I had an extra-special treat, being able to chat with both Joanne Vrakas
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Why Walking into the New Marché Adonis in the West Island Brought Tears to my Eyes

While many West Islanders speculated whether the ‘new Adonis’ would be as big as the one downtown, I had mixed
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‘Back-From-Camp’ Survival Guide

As we approach mid-August, we don’t want to admit it, but summer is coming to a close. My kids will
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Why CBB? For Kids. For Parents. For Family.

My husband Ron and I have 4 kids ranging in age from 12 to 18. We only started sending them
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4 Fun Ways to Get MINDSTRONG this Weekend and Support the Mental Health of our Community

If you haven’t yet heard about MINDSTRONG, it is an annual high-energy fitness and fundraising event that takes place each
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Our Family’s Experience with the Ford Expedition

This winter, I had the opportunity to test out the Ford Expedition. The timing could not have been better as
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A Bazaar For Jesse – This Sunday, March 17, 2019

Jesse Galganov has become a household name in Montreal. As many (or all) of you already know, he is my
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Shopping From The Heart 2019- Hold the Date!

Every year I share this fabulous event with you, and every year I get feedback that people just LOVED it.
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Out of the Black and Into the Blue – Part One

I have been planning to use this title for a while and ‘Blue Monday’ seemed to be as good a reason
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