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3 Things You Can Do NOW to Advocate for a Safer Back-To-School Season in Québec

Back-to-School is on everyone’s mind and most parents are questioning themselves no matter what decision they are making. I honestly
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English Movie Night at Cine-Parc Belle Neige TONIGHT! For a Cause :)

Many families are spending their time up north these days and if you are, this is a PERFECT way to spend
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An Open Letter to Dr. Arruda and Premier Legault – In You I Trust…ed.

Dear Dr. Arruda and Premier Legault, Please allow me to begin by saying thank you for all that you have
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She Captured our Essence, our Memories and our Hearts – Remembering Wanda Malfara

“I’m Wanda Malfara, and I shoot people for a living” This was the final line in my beautiful friend’s ‘elevator
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Yes, the 10-person Limit is Still a Thing. 6 Feet Apart. Even in Your Own Backyard.

I have been very quiet (almost completely silent) online for the better part of the last 3 months. I had started
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Feed a Frontliner – Something We Can All Do to Combat COVID-19

Ever wish you could do SOMETHING to support a frontline healthcare worker? Buy them lunch? Pay for an extra mask?
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The Boy in the Basement – by Nathalie Kaspy-Shtern

This seems familiar. Maybe not to you, but to me. 17 years ago in March 2003. My son Jake, only
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15 Reasons I Love ‘Click & Go’ with Provigo

Just over 2 years ago, I was invited to try out Provigo’s new grocery pickup service – known in Quebec
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COVID-19 is a Message: Slow the #$@! Down.

I am going to cut to the chase on this post because while I have much to say about what
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Prepare, Don’t Panic. Navigating Fears Around COVID-19

It’s no secret that I am not a doctor. I am, however, a Mom, and us Moms like to be
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