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What it means to be a P&G Mom

As some of you may remember, I mentioned a while back that I had been chosen to be a P&G Mom.

(I’ve also got that little badge going on a little to the right of the page 😉 )

At the time many of you asked what that meant. So here it is:

IMG_0094P&G (Procter & Gamble) understands that as moms, we like to hear from other moms about what products they like to use & why.

As such, they’ve picked Mom Bloggers from across the nation who will road-test various products made by P&G and let you know what we think.

Although the P&G Mom program was around last year in the rest of Canada, it’s the first time the program has come to Quebec and it’s known as maman P&G.  I am honoured to have been chosen as the English-blogging maman P&G for our province 🙂

Over the coming months, you will see me blog about some fun stuff as well as discovering joy in some otherwise pretty basic products. Do I ever have a story to share about…MASCARA. Of all things!

IMG_6249While I am fortunate to receive A LOT of fun packages with A LOT of product to try out from P&G, there are not enough days in a month to blog about each & every one. That’s why I’ll only be blogging about my favourites 🙂

As always, I will continue to be truthful in my product reviews and offer my own thoughts.

Before accepting the ‘position’ of P&G Mom, I made sure that this was understood. P&G responded that this is precisely why they chose me & that they wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s when I knew that we were going to get along. That’s also the reason I said “Yes” 🙂

Looking forward to sharing my P&G Mom experiences with you – Let’s see if you’re as surprised as I was at how many different products are actually made by P&G 😉

In case you’re interested, you can follow what all of the P&G Moms have to say by following #PGMom and #mamanPG on Twitter 🙂

Wishing you a day of new experiences,


Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom/mamanP&G. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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