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Does Tide Purclean Remove Oil Stains?

As many of you likely recall, I was asked to review Tide Purclean a few months ago and to give my honest opinion. I was very impressed with the results. ( You can read about them: Tide Purclean: What Do I Think So far? )

That being said, as impressed as I was, I wondered how well my 65% bio-based Tide Purclean might do on an oil stain.

One day, I decided to do an experiment:

After the kids left for school, I found a small amount of chickpea salad my daughter had left in a bowl on the counter.  I added some olive oil to make sure it was “oily” and then spooned it onto a clean white t-shirt & let it sit there for a few minutes.


I then scooped off the chickpeas. The oil stain had gone completely through the front & back side of the t-shirt. Just looking at it I was pretty sure this stain would not come out.


I figured I should test it with a ‘lighter’ oil stain (because I honestly didn’t think the heavy one would work). I dropped some chickpea salad onto the shirt & removed it right away to produce a lighter stain (see the stain on the bottom).


I was pretty sure that I knew what the results would be even before washing the shirt. If anything – the bottom stain would come out….

I took the shirt to my laundry room and followed the protocol of pre-treating the stain with Tide Purclean & soaking in a solution of Tide Purclean & water for 20 minutes.



I then laundered the shirt as usual.  When it came out of the washer I was so astonished to see both stains gone, I was sure I was somehow missing it. I held the shirt up to this angle & that, thinking maybe there was a shadow of a stain? ( still not even sure that there was).


I decided to be safe I’d throw it into the wash a second time.

When the shirt came out it was completely clean.


I was completely BLOWN AWAY that Tide Purclean was even able to remove the deep oil stain!

As I’ve shared before:  Tide purclean is free of dyes, chlorine, phosphates, ethanol amine and optical brighteners.  It is also produced in a facility that uses 100% renewable wind power electricity and is zero manufacturing waste to landfill…

…and now I have further evidence of its excellent cleaning power :))

I was so excited to share it with you when I did the experiment, but I was so busy that I have not had the chance.  I did snap pictures throughout the experiment, however, so I am sharing now 🙂

Tide Purclean was able to remove my oil stains, even the one I was pretty sure had ruined the shirt…

So, if you’ve hesitating as to whether or not to try it…I recommend that you do.

If you’re still apprehensive about trying, I understand. It’s hard to believe that a bio-based product might offer the same cleaning performance that we are used to seeing from our beloved original Tide.  I understand the hesitation, but honestly, just try…buy a smaller bottle and conduct some experiments.  I am quite certain that you will come to the same verdict as I did 😉

Happy experimenting!


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