Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original action-packed adventure “Strange World” introduces a legendary family of explorers, the Clades, as they attempt to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land alongside a motley crew that includes a mischievous blob, a three-legged dog and a slew of ravenous creatures.
Disney’s “STRANGE WORLD” opens in theatres on November 23
Would you like to see the Montreal advance screening?!?
You can watch the trailer here:
I am excited to be giving away ten FAMILY PACKS OF FOUR PASSES (4 seats per family pack) to some very lucky readers!
In order to ENTER the #StrangeWorldMTL Giveaway you must:
- Leave a comment in the comments section of this post answering the following question: Who would you bring to see Disney’s Strange World?
- Be available to arrive EARLY at the Advance Screening on Thursday, November 21st (Downtown Montreal) for the 7:00 PM screening.
- Correctly enter your email address as the winner will be notified via email.
- Add tanya(at)montrealmom.com to your contact list so that if you win, your notification will not go into your junk mail
Once you have entered by answering the question above in the comments section, here’s how you can get additional entries:
- Follow @montreal_mom on Twitter (leave your Twitter handle in the comments section of this post)
- Tweet this giveaway by retweeting this post using #StrangeWorldMTL (1 entry for every RT, you can tweet up to 2 times daily- please leave a link to each tweet in the comments section of this post)
- Write about this giveaway on your blog/website and leave me a link to your post in the comments section (counts as 4 entries!)
- Read any other post on the montrealmom.com blog and comment on it (please leave a comment on this post as to which post you read & commented on)
- Note that additional entries will increase your chances of winning however there may only be one winner per household.
The giveaway ends at 11:59PM on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022. Winners will be chosen at random and will be contacted via email on Thursday, November 10th and must provide a response prior to 12:00 PM (Noon) on Friday, November 11th. Please make sure to check your email as should we not receive a response by the winner prior to 12:00 PM (Noon) on November 11th, we will choose another winner. You may enter as many times as allowable under the rules in order to increase your chances of winning, however there may only be one winner per household. Please make sure your email address is correctly entered in the comments section as the winner will notified via email. Winner must answer a skill-testing question before claiming prize. Open to Quebec residents only.
Want to stay in-the-know about what’s new and great at Walt Disney Studios? Follow them on social:
Facebook: @WaltDisneyStudiosCanada / @WaltDisneyFilmsQuebec
Twitter: @DisneyStudiosCA
Instagram: @disneystudioscanada
Good Luck with the Giveaway!
Will definitely bring my little one and their cousins.
I’ll bring my husband and daughter!
I’d bring my three munchkins!