How often do we get to go out on Saturday night with our kids to a REAL PARTY?
This Saturday Night, September 6, ELECTRIC CITY will offer:
Fabulous food from 40 Westt, Bofinger, Dunn’s, Lesters, Mbrgr, Otago, Real Bagel, Deserts by Daboom and more!
- Arcade games & classic pinball, an Inflatable obstacle, Riding Bull, Velcro Wall, Pool, Air Hockey & more…
- Live DJ & Dancing “in the glow of our ELECTRIC CITY“
- an “Instant Win” raffle- where everyone is a winner 🙂
What an opportunity to have a great night out with the kids (or with friends who also have kids!).
And did I mention? It’s also the chance to PARTY FOR A CAUSE 🙂
This event is in celebration of the life of Tamar Ostrega Perlman, who passed away too soon last July, at the age of 42.
If there was ever one word that I would use to describe Tamar, it would be “Bright”.
Bright as in Intelligent. I was privileged to work together with Tamar many years ago and let me tell you, Tamar was BRIGHT.
Bright as in Happy. No matter where you saw her, she always had that same bright-eyed smile, LITERALLY. Her eyes twinkled!
Bright as in Beautiful. Beautiful on the outside and extremely charitable and giving which made her beautiful on the inside, too.
How apropos that her husband and friends got together to create ELECTRIC CITY, an event celebrating her life, benefitting En Famille, all in the glow of bright lights.
It’s just perfect.
Even the charity of choice is incredibly fitting. To understand why, you have to know a bit about Tamar’s story.
In the prime of her life, Tamar was the wife and mother of two young children and she kept very busy caring for her family, working and volunteering in support of worthy causes.
Sadly, this all came to an abrupt end in October of 2012 when a tumor in her spine caused her to become paralyzed and unable to care for her family, to work or manage her household.
While Tamar was unable to do all that she usually did, her support network of friends jumped in and divided up the responsibilities of shopping, meals, pick-ups and moral support, whatever needed to be done. Many families don’t have such support and that’s where En famille kicks in.
A Hope & Cope program at the Jewish General Hospital Segal Cancer Centre, En famille is dedicated to offering professional support and resources for young families living with cancer. En famille provides patients and their families with the tools, information, emotional and financial support needed to help manage the impact of cancer on their lives and especially on the lives of their children.
En famille is a grass roots program that does not receive any government funding and relies on donations from the community to be able to continue to provide its vital services to families in need.
That is why all proceeds raised from the TOP event will be donated to En famille.
Join in on the fun. Party for a Cause. Celebrate Tamar.
All on a Saturday Night…en famille 😉
It starts at 7Pm at 5650 Royalmount in TMR.
Click here for further information, to BUY TICKETS or to make a donation. You can also join or share the event on Facebook.
Wishing you & yours good health always, good friends forever and much to celebrate…en famille 🙂
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