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Carrots (Baby Food)


  • 1/4 lb (3-4) medium carrots, peeled, trimmed & washed
  • 4 c. water (to boil)
  • Cooled (or just warm) boiled water (NOT the water used for cooking the carrots)*


  • Slice or chop carrots into 1″ rounds
  • Place in saucepan with 4 c. water
  • Bring to a boil
  • Reduce heat to medium & allow to simmer 20 minutes or until fork-tender
  • Strain, discard water used for cooking
  • Place carrots in food processor
  • Process until the consistency is that of a smooth puree
  • If necessary add a bit of cooled (or warm) boiled water to desired consistency (NOT THE COOKING LIQUID!)*

* the reason that the water used for cooking the carrots should not be used is because of the presence of nitrites in the cooking water. These can be harmful to babies under 10 months? of age, so it is necessary to discard the cooking water for carrots. Other vegetables with nitrite content are: beets & spinach?

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