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When Tech Empowers…#My24Hrs

Many of you who read regularly know that I believe in the value of unplugging.

That said, you also know that I LOVE tech, especially new, innovative tech that makes our lives easier and better. Tech that helps us achieve within 24 hours that which would be impossible without it.

For me, that tech takes on all forms- my phone, my laptop and while I am not an app junkie, the apps that I have come to love & rely on  (Can you say Flipp???)

I am also grateful for how tech saves lives, and while I definitely mean medically saves lives, I also mean emotionally. A perfect example: My mom is not well and although she is often not well enough to even leave home, she stays connected to news & events via her tablet and I honestly believe it has helped her stay ‘sane’.

This Month, Microsoft Canada has launched a 6-part storyteller series called #My24Hrs to celebrate how technology has helped to empower some very inspiring Canadians.

Check out the launch video here:

Among those inspiring Canadians, you will find Hannah Alper, which some of you may remember from my interview with her at WeDay 2 years ago.

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 9.41.40 PMHanna is a 13-year-old activist and blogger and is beyond inspiring. You can watch Hannah’s video, together with those of 5 other incredibly inspiring Canadians (including Ashley Murphy who we have also seen at WeDay!) on the #My24Hrs website.

You can see how tech helped to change & shape their lives, as well as how they are using tech to empower others

Microsoft is celebrating these Canadian stories throughout the month and is inviting everyone to share your own stories of how technology has empowered your 24 hours using the #My24Hrs hashtag.

At the end of the month, on February 29th, Microsoft Canada & its storytellers will deliver 24 acts of empowerment during the year’s extra 24 hours 🙂

Be sure to follow along on Twitter, especially on the 29th to share their acts of empowerment and inspire those around you 🙂

In the meantime, you can head over to the #My24Hrs website by visiting

We all get the same 24 hours…it’s what we do with them that makes a difference.

In the words of our storytellers: DO GREAT THINGS.

With that, I wish you 24 hours of inspiration and empowerment 😉


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