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Toca Tea Party- a Mom-Approved App

I don’t talk about apps much because I try to limit my children’s use of them.  My kids know that “Daddy’s phone has all the good games” and I often explain that I don’t use my phone to play games.  That said, I do find it handy to have a game or two available on both my iPhone and my iPad for longer waits at the doctor’s office or other appointments.

One of the apps that my kids love is called Toca Tea Party for iPad by Toca Boca.  It is basically an on-screen tea party.  Your child sets up a tea party for three, choosing tablecloth, dishes, cups and treats and kindling a few tea lights.  There’s a choice of hot tea or pink lemonade which can be poured into the cups and there are even tissues to wipe up any spills.  You can take bites out of your yummy treats by tapping them and help yourself to more when you’re done.  There’s also a radio that can play music, should you be in the mood. When all the food has been eaten, it’s time to clear the table and all the dishes go into a washbasin. I love that part. 🙂

My only beef with Toca Tea Party is that the tissues are right by the candles and that mom instinct always has me wanting to move the tissue box…I use it as an opportunity to teach my kids that in real life we would never put the tissues or any other type of paper so close to an open flame.

It’s worthy of mention that Toca Tea Party is not really a game as there is no objective other than just play.  Toca Boca has several apps of this nature.  They refer to them as “digital toys”. Rather than being about winning, losing or beating a high score, the objective is to encourage self-expression and stimulate the imagination. It’s also good to note that, with no advertising or in-app purchases, parents don’t have to worry about their kids making unauthorized purchases and racking up charges.

I’d also like to add that I originally thought that only my 5 year old, the baby of the family, would really be “into” Toca Tea Party.  Actually all four of the kids, boys and girls,  love it and the eldest is 10 years old.

You can click here to view the Toca Tea Party- Trailer

To link directly to the iTunes store for purchase, click here. You’ll also be able to see other apps by Toca Boca.

Have you tried Toca Tea Party?  What did you think?  Do your kids have any favourite other mom-approved apps that you’d like to share with our readers?

Enjoy the day & maybe surprise your kids with Tea on Tuesday 🙂


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