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Prepare, Don’t Panic. Navigating Fears Around COVID-19

It’s no secret that I am not a doctor. I am, however, a Mom, and us Moms like to be prepared for pretty much everything. With the first Montreal case of COVID-19 having been confirmed, many of us have questions about what that means.

I have decided to put together some information to help guide you through this outbreak at this time.

1- Get your information from the appropriate and most reliable sources:

  1. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Click here to get to the appropriate page
  2. World Health Organization (WHO):
    1. Click here to access their homepage where you will find the latest news and guidance to the information you seek.
    2. Click here to see their very helpful FAQ

2- Listen to the Doc! Advice from an Infectious Diseases Specialist:

The best defence against against COVID-19 right now is (1) wash wash wash your hands (2) avoid sticking fingers in holes, especially face holes (3) wash your hands again, especially before eating (and wash your fruits and vegetables fondled in the store by strangers) (4) avoid travel to areas of the world where localized transmission is reported.

3-WATCH the following VIDEO with key advice from the WHO:


4-WASH YOUR HANDS: Just in case you did not thoroughly read the post above: Continue to WASH YOUR hands thoroughly with soap and water or with hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available

5-Skip the handshake or hug/kiss greeting: Feel free to pre-empt them by using one of the following lines (most people will be relieved that you brought it up so they didn’t have to):

  • I’m sticking to elbow-pumps for the next little while
  • In light of COVID-19, I’m sending you a virtual handshake
  • I’m hugging you from afar until this COVID-19 thing blows over

6-Try to keep some perspective: Remember that while the COVID-19 virus is extremely contagious, it is not usually fatal.

7- Act responsibly, think communally: If you or your family members present with symptoms- please stay home to prevent the spread of whatever it is you have, whether it be COVID-19 or some other virus.

8- Prepare your home: Because we cannot know in advance if anyone in our home will be affected, now is a good time to stock up on certain non-perishables such as canned and dried goods as well as on cleaning supplies and fever-reducing medication. Click here to see the list of suggested items provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

9- Refill prescription medications now – As stated by PHAC: ‘Refill your prescriptions now so that you do not have to go to a busy pharmacy if you do become sick. Consider seeing your health care provider to renew your prescriptions ahead of time’

10- Remember that there is no need to panic, but that despite this logic, some people will panic anyway. This may be part of the reason that there are already shortages of certain supplies in stores. Put your mind at ease: Stock up on the things you might need and if there are still items you cannot find, think about alternatives.  For example if you are having trouble finding disinfecting wipes, just get some disinfecting spray and paper towels, or bleach mixed with water (as recommended by PHAC).

11-TALK TO YOUR KIDS: Remind them to:

  • wash hands whenever they can
  • when coming into the house wash hands with soap and water
  • especially before eating wash hands with soap and water
  • cough in their elbows
  • keep their distance from others who are sneezing, coughing or are otherwise sick
  • stop sharing food and drinks
  • avoid unnecessary kissing and handshakes
  • avoiding touching ‘face holes’ – their own and others’

12- For more information including videos, on how to protect yourself and how COVID-19 is affecting those who get it, Click here for a great resource page on the WHO website.

Hope this was helpful, and please remember: Don’t panic- Prepare 🙂

Wishing you all a healthy week,


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