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Prenatal Health & Hygiene 

While your Doctor is the best resource for information about prenatal health, here are some general tips and guidelines to follow.

  • Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamin
  • Make sure you are eating properly (see Nutrition)
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep
  • Try to exercise, but consult your doctor as to what is or is not appropriate for you during this pregnancy.
  • To learn all about what to expect & what to look out for during your pregnancy, treat yourself to a comprehensive book or two that you can keep by your bedside & check from time to time.  For a list of recommended reads, see the Resources in our 411 section.
  • While it can be fun to read about pregnancy & what to expect, be weary of what you are reading & don’t read TOO much.  What I mean by this is that sometimes when we read about all the things that can go wrong, it seems like we develop every symptom in the book.   While it is certainly important to know what symptoms should send you to the doctor, don’t let yourself get carried away & focus on everything that could go wrong.  You certainly will not enjoy your pregnancy this way.
  • Ask your doctor about Kegel exercises & be sure to do them.
  • Don’t be surprised if you find yourself to be more forgetful than usual, it happens.  Make sure to keep reminders for yourself in an agenda, wall calendar &/ or PDA and to consult it regularly.
  • Make sure to keep monthly appointments with your OB GYN as frequently as she feels is necessary.  AS soon as you are pregnant You should call your OB GYN to schedule an appointment to see her before the 12th week of pregnancy
  • Schedule an appointment for you 18-20 week ultrasound once you have met with your doctor, or even sooner.
  • Consult with your doctor about Prenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome.  If you are planning to do this, you should know that the 1st blood test is done between the 11th & 13th weeks of pregnancy which means you will need to see your  OB GYN much sooner to discuss  your questions & to schedule an appointment for the appropriate week

Take care of yourself Montreal-Mom-To-Be!


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