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Grades 4-5 Students Ski FREE with SnowPass!

I just caught wind of this or I’d have shared it sooner… It’s called the SnowPass.

snowpass08_rgbDesigned to encourage activity this season among Grade 4-5 students, the SnowPass allow FREE access 3 times during the season to EACH of the 150 participating ski areas across the country.  54 of those areas are in Quebec alone.

The cost of the card is $29.95 tax INCLUDED.  That means that your child can go literally go skiing hundreds of times withoit leaving the province for the same price as a 4-hour block at Sauveur.

The program is open to 9 & 10 year olds (born 2002-2003)

Need I say more?

You can get all the information and access the online application form by clicking here.

Wishing you a wonderful day,


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