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‘The Equalizer 2’ with Denzel Washington – What We Thought:

This week my hubby and I were treated to the advanced screening of The Equalizer 2. 

In the movie, Denzel Washington returns to one of his signature roles in the first sequel of his career. Robert McCall serves an unflinching justice for the exploited and oppressed – but how far will he go when that is someone he loves?

I’ll be completely transparent by saying that I may be a little bit biased because I LOVE Denzel Washington;) That said, both of us really enjoyed the movie. Given that I don’t belive in spoilers, I won’t say too much. The movie delivered with lots of action, some moments of laughter, a decent plot in the realm of “the pursuit of justice” and even some heartwarming story lines ‘on the side’. I will also add that while I never expected to tear up during this movie, I actualy did at a few points.

I’d like to give honourable mentions to the film’s Jewish content which can be appreciated by all but may add a little something extra for Jewish viewers.  While not central to the story, there were refrences to the Holocaust and a related side-story. There was even a little Yiddish, the latter eliciting a good chuckle. 

It’s worth mentioning that I actually never saw the 1st ‘Equalizer’ movie and that I still thoroughly enjoyed this one. The Equalizer 2 opened in theatres today and if you’re looking for a great date night movie this weekend, it fits the bill 🙂

Including the trailer below in case you haven’t seen it:

Wishing you a great weekend!


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