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Disney On Ice – Follow Your Heart (and your Heartstrings!)

I did not want to go into the weekend without sharing what a beautiful show it was last night. I went with two of my own kids plus my daughter’s friend and everyone loved it:)  When we got home, my daughter couldn’t stop telling my husband about it (and all we wanted her to do was get into bed, LOL!)

We always expect a nice show from Disney on Ice, but this time, there was a little ‘something extra’. As with all-things-Disney, costumes, sets and lighting all added that touch of magic that makes everything Disney just so…Disney 🙂

Without spoiling too much, there is a part where each princess is highlighted for her particular strength which I found particularly moving and I can’t tell you what a positive message that is for both girls & boys alike.

I would be remiss not to mention Rapunzel…When you see the show, you’ll know to what I refer. Let’s just say that it involved some very impressive acrobatics in addition to the usual music, skating/ice dancing and storyline.

Speaking of story line, I LOVED that for ‘Act 1’, the storyline was basically woven around Inside-Out – We saw Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness & Disgust and we even watched Riley & her friends play hockey 🙂


We saw so many characters I’m not sure I can (or should) name them all! Honourable mention goes to Beauty & The Beast -especially given the upcoming Live-Action version which is coming to theatres on March 17th!


Dory & Nemo made appearances as did Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.  We saw Ariel and of course we saw Minnie & Mickey and friends!





The Frozen segment was spectacular. I could go on, but it’s better if you see it for yourselves! ( Note: I had trouble capturing images as they were skating too quickly for me, LOL!) 


I feel it might be helpful to also mention all of the treats and goodies outside. We all know that these things can get a little pricey, especially with multiple kids.  They had some cute options available that were not unreasonably priced in the $15-20 range that involved food+ a souvenir of some sort (The shaved ice in the commemorative cups were adorable & seemed quite popular). I do want to mention this TIP, though: There are 2 sizes of popcorn available: the $15 version and the $10 version. Unfortunately, we only spotted the $10 option after the show was over as it was not obvious in the display (it was on the bottom shelf- not at eye level.  If you’re concerned about budget – don’t be shy to ask for the $10 popcorn!)

Also, if budget is of concern but you still want to pick up a souvenir, they were selling colouring books for $5 and gift bundles for $10 after the show was over 🙂

If you don’t want to buy into any of that stuff, go anyway & enjoy the show!   Set the expectation with your kids in advance so they don’t leave screaming about what they didn’t get but happy about what they did get to experience…and it is a beautiful experience!

There are a few French shows left and another English show on Sunday at 3PM.  Click HERE for more info or to purchase tickets.

Wishing you a great weekend and if you decide to Follow your heart all the way to the Bell Centre for Disney on Ice, have a fabulous time!


Disclosure: I was offered tickets to the event for the purpose of reviewing the show for my readers (but with no obligation to do so). As always, all opinions contained within are my own and cannot be bought :). 


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