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Ahoy Mickey! Countdown to Disney… Land & Sea!!!

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, a-cruisin’ we will go!
Disney on land, then sea & sand!
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho Hi, Hi-Ho!!!!

I am thrilled to announce that my family has once again been honoured with an invitation to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration and we can’t wait to go!!!

We will be spending part of our time on land and part of our time at SEA !!!

YES…that means that I will be able to share with you what a Disney Cruise is like first-hand, including a sneak peek at Disney’s private island, Castaway Cay and its beautiful beach 🙂

I. can’t. wait.

As you might expect,  I will be sharing many of our experiences via social-mainly on FB, Instagram & Twitter.

Should you wish to join us ‘virtually’ in our experience, you can do so by following @montreal_mom on:



Facebook: (NOTE:  Last year I got great feedback on my FB Live broadcasts- so be sure to LIKE US on FB and to set your notifications (on the FB page) to let you know when has a new video coming up (see below): Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 10.28.37 AM

There is a slight possibility that I will start posting to Snapchat, but I have to admit that I’m still out of my comfort zone there. I’ve done nothing yet, but if you want to connect with me, here’s my Snapcode 🙂



Last year, I did quite a bit of Periscope: This year, I will likely focus on FB Live…it truly depends on which platform will give me the best broadcast, sometimes one works better than another depending on signal strength in the area. That said, if you’re on Periscope, you can keep an eye out there as well.

I will post different things to different platforms, so feel free to follow on all of them!

We are scheduled to leave in less than two weeks and today formally begins a series of posts which I will call my Countdown  To Disney 🙂 Not all posts in the series will relate to the parks, but they will have some form of Disney tie-in.

Meanwhile, everyone in the family is ‘just a little’ excited…This past I walked into the kitchen and found THIS:


My younger daughter’s handiwork;)

Looking forward to sharing our journey with you!

Meanwhile, I wish you all a MAGICAL day!


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1 Comment

  1. Omg we could literally be best friends LOL! If I’m not at Disney I’m planning a Disney vacation 🙂

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